By Alté Jay, YeyeNews.com, October 9, 2021
Just few days after an undergraduate student of the University of Uyo publicly condemned Akwa Ibom Children Prayer Network (AKCPRAN) Facebook as an example of “religious lunacy”, Executive Chairman of the Ethical and Attitudinal Reorientation Commission (EARCOM), Dr Dorothy Thompson has defended the project and rubbished the student’s words.
EARCOM on Friday, October 15, launched the Akwa Ibom Children Prayer Network, AKC-PRAN, with the theme, “The Necessity of Living in the Fear of God” in Uyo, and the chairman predicted that this project would ignite a revival as the children gathered to pray. In her address, she quoted Psalms 8:2: “Out of the mouth of babies and infants, God has ordained strength,” and said that EARCOM initiated the program in line with the call of the wife of the President of First Ladies across the states to hold prayers for the nation. However, a student of University of Uyo, who is also a popular Facebook influencer went to Facebook and publicly condemned the project as useless and that the government should be building schools for children instead of gathering them to pray.
A source who spoke with YeyeNews.com said Dr Dorothy defended the government during a visit to the state secretariat. She said Akwa Ibom state is in dire need of divine intervention and that their prayers as adults aren’t enough for God, they need more help, and so the children had to be included in this warfare. “When children pray, God answers,” she said. “Their innocence is profound, and the kingdom of God belongs to them. That’s why we have gathered 600 children from different primary and nursery schools and major churches across the state to form a prayer army that would intercede for Akwa Ibom State.
The efforts of our governor are not enough to solve the problems we currently face as a state. We have realized that we need God to help. That is why we are recruiting these children — because God listens to the voices of innocent children more than we adults who keep committing sin. Hopefully, the prayers will help bring foreign investors into our state to help our economy, and even solve our problem of insecurity.”