By Vera Chinonso Aliyu and Ada Obeleagu, YeyeNews.com, December 1, 2021
To encourage more Nigerians to take the COVID 19 vaccine, the Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) has announced an incentive of one plate of Ghana jollof rice for everyone that takes a jab of the vaccine in designated centers. The NCDC made the announcement in a statement posted on their website on Tuesday night.
“Due to the low turnout of Nigerians for the vaccination exercise and the urgent need to check the spread of the Omicron variant, we have decided to provide a pack of Ghana jollof rice for everyone who gets a jab of the vaccine”, the statement read.
Explaining the choice of Ghana jollof an official of the NCDC told YeyeNews.com that it has nothing to do with its superiority over the Nigerian jollof but “it’s meant to arose curiosity of Nigerians to have a taste of the much-talked-about Ghana jollof. In satisfying that curiosity they also end up with a jab. That is a win-win for everyone. Nigerians are used to eating our brand of jollof so they may not be eager to come for the jab if the incentive is Nigeria jollof. This is definitely a strategic move”, the official said.
Many Nigerians who spoke with YeyeNews.com said they will consider taking the vaccine not because of fear of Covid-19 or any of its variants but because of the food incentive promised. “The country is very tough now so any opportunity of getting a free meal must be exploited to the fullest. In addition to having the opportunity to have a taste of the Ghana jollof, I will also fill my stomach. That’s one meal guaranteed for that day. It may even be all I will have for the day. I will not miss out”, a cleaner in the Federal secretariat told YeyeNews.com reporter.