By Ishola Adeleke, YeyeNews.com, October 22, 2021
There was a fierce religious argument during the recent FEC meeting as one Minister crossed the religious redline by comparing the President to Jesus, a source told YeyeNews.com reporter. “Carried away by his usual sycophancy, a Minister invariably compared Buhari to Jesus. He said Jesus fed a multitude with five loaves and two fishes but President Buhari is feeding Nigerians with much less”, the source said.
“But the statement did not go down with another minister from the South-south part of Nigeria who asked the Minister to withdraw the statement. ‘Jesus Christ is not a mere mortal to be compared to any man’, the colleague said to the Minister”, the source claimed.
YeyeNews.com reporter gathered that the argument later involved more Ministers which threw the meeting into confusion. “The meeting descended into chaos as Prof. Osibanjo who was presiding could not call them to order. Though the two Ministers who started the argument were southern Christians, the argument quickly descended into a North vs South affair”, the source recounted.
“All the northern Muslim Ministers saw nothing wrong with the statement of the Minister who made the initial comparison and they stood by him. But only few southern Christian Ministers demanded a retraction as most of them just sat there and watched. Even the vice president who is a Pentecostal pastor could not ask for a retraction but instead took the role of a conciliator”.
An aide of one of the Ministers who demanded a retraction explained to YeyeNews.com that the situation could have been brought undo control quickly if the Ministers had respected the vice president’s authority. “They don’t respect him. This event proved it beyond doubt. This is a man representing the president but ministers just went ahead as if he wasn’t in the room”, the aide said. “But how can they say the President is feeding more people with less than what Jesus did with five loaves and two fishes? I am very sure if those supporting the statement would have done otherwise if the comparison was with their Prophet. That is how we are”.