By Vera Chinonso Aliyu, YeyeNews.com, December 8, 2021
A man in Jos has divorced his wife of 12 years over allegations that she slept with a judge in order to free him from jail. A relation of the woman who spoke to YeyeNews.com under condition of anonymity accused the man of being ungrateful after all the sacrifices his sister had made to get him out of jail. “My sister was by his side throughout his ordeal. He could have been sentenced to at least 20 years for defrauding a traditional ruler if not for his wife that did everything to get him out. Now the ingrate is accusing her of sleeping with the judge to secure his release. I don’t understand what she sees in this man”.
The husband has however countered the claims of his brother in law. He alleged that his wife agreed to sleeping with the judge when he confronted her. “She didn’t deny seeing that judge. They met in an hotel close to UniJos and I have my facts. Nobody should tell me she did it to secure my release. I never asked her to do such a thing. Besides, I am innocent of the accusations against me and the police couldn’t produce a single witness to support their charges. So it was just a matter of time I would have been freed”, he recounted.
Though efforts to resolve the dispute between the couples are yet to yield positive results, a friend of the woman told YeyeNews.com reporter that the resolution is not progressing as the husband has allegedly moved into the house of one of his mistresses. “He is accusing his wife of infidelity but before his spittle could dry on the ground, he has already moved into his mistresses’ apartment. He clearly was just looking for any excuse to end the marriage. Ungrateful man”.