“The Secret Letters of President Donald J. Trump age 72 1/6” is what every political satire should be like – intelligent, downright funny and still strikingly original. It is a portrait of President Donald Trump that nobody knows. It is so good that whatever opinion of Trump that you have, you will close this book knowing him more and agreeing that for better or for worse, he is a truly remarkable man – Tijani H. Ibrahim,
“Each letter is creative, very funny, clever and outrageous and the author has a lot of talent. As you begin each of these humorous letters, I wondered what the author is going to come up with next and I wasn’t disappointed. Enjoyed it!” —Bruce Miller of the Golfwell Review in New Zealand.
“Irreverent work refreshingly makes light of a presidency that’s long been a tinderbox of angry contention.”— Kirkus Review
“Rudolf Hess should be arrested and locked up for breaking into president Donald Trump’s brain. How he came out aliveis something that I’m sure the Russians are investigating.”
–New York Daily Apple
“Don’t pick this book up unless you are willing to let reason, your reason, crumble as soon as laughter tickles it.”
–Miami Bell
“Rudolf t.g. Hess must have been dropped on a hard floor when he was a toddler.There is no other way to explain his unique madness.”
–Washington Ghostwriters
“You must not read this f**king book if you do not want to be offended. LOL. I’m not kidding.” –London Daily Chips
“For making me spill my coffee on my pants,sorry, groin, I say f**k eight generations of your ancestors.”
–Moscow Golden Shower Times
“Rudolf t.g. Hess has sprinkled lies into non-fiction the same way Bill Cosbysprinkled drugs into women’s drinks, with the same effect.”
–Philadelphia Evening Answers
“This Trump is smarter than the one in the White House.”
— Grace Upbeat, the author of My Nuclear Button Is Bigger than Yours.
“For spending this much time inside Trump’s head, I hope Rudolf t.g. Hess is forced to pay rent.” — Tony Bacharach, DC Attorney.
“I don’t care who you are, this Trump will surprise you in some pleasantways as you read these letters. Sometimes,against his best interest, heis really really pee your pant funny.” –Jasper Bush, Rock Musician.
” Trump: The man whose ego is bigger than God’s universe – Rudolf Hess has no qualms making you laugh and cry and curse on the same page. He captured the essence of President Trump more than the talking heads on cable TV. If he is not a natural born psychotherapist, he must have an advanced degree in the subject matter. In Trump’s letter to God, for instance, you behold the clash of egos. And you can bet that Trump won hands down. What I am left wondering as I read the last page was, when would this Trump in these letters make a public appearance? The answer was perfectly buried under a common theme in these letters – as soon as he vanquishes Robert Mueller and wins reelection. That is when the real show of the real Donald Trump will take center stage. For now, everything you have seen is just one long prologue.” — Ekene Awuzie